Wednesday 5 October 2011

The Quest for a Perfect one

                               The Quest for a Perfect one


The characters named in this story dint correspond with the original characters. It is just a fiction.


The time goes on & so as our life. There is a space for everything in this myriad life. Family, friends,study, sports etc etc. But still standing in the corridor of boys , there is a thing willingly or unwillingly every boy wants in his life. The smart ones must have guessed by now, for others let me throw some light , its a " A GIRL".
The culmination has been drawn after going through a lot of responses & observations which i found floating around me. But even after thousands of year of mankind, there is no concrete definition of this attraction or bonding. Everyone got its own definition of so called "love" right from Shahrukh khan to Hrithik roshan to a common man. But why u actually need a girl( i m not talking about marriage aspect here, that's all together a different debate), what are the reasons or do u really need a girl.. These are some questions everyone face and those 4 characters of our story were not different.

The story is about 4 guys who have been friend for quite some years. But while they all part their ways professionally yet on friendship front, they were always together. Lets meet them.

The first of the lot is ABIR, a would be engineer. This community called Engineers is quite an interesting  one with most of them entering the profession like passengers of local train in Mumbai( unwillingly or unintentionally because of some push from parents , relatives). They decide what to do after completing their degree instead of other way around and any engineer will tell you the journey of 8 semesters where practically he has learnt something next to great invention of India i.e " ZERO". But surely these people got some skills of doing smart work when required. So with customary no. of supple( can say compartment papers) pending , Abir was shortly going to be an engineer still to decide what to do. Abir always has a dream or you can say an obsession of getting a virgin wife. Strange the dream might seems but on a close introspection, you will find a little smile on your faces. He himself has been travelling in a ship alone( a girl joined but only for a short stint). He was waiting for the right passenger to board his ship.

Next on the line is Punnet, a graduate and doing an Account assistant job which he has  got through an informal route( There are many other words for it like Sifaarish, approach, favour but i have used a dignified word keeping in view the dignity levels of our society). I have always felt accountants are under paid creatures with Auditors bulldozing them from one side & management from other.Puneet had 3 girl friends in the past. He was not having noble thoughts like Abir & with each passing relation he had climbed up the ladder of reducing distances with the girl. He is flowing in the flow of events with a blurred vision.

The third one Rahul is a MBA( this term has spread like a forest fire in the past decade with how many engulfed in it , nobody knows) student from a average B- school. I still wonder why they call it a school. With a little bit knowledge of everything, their population is increasing at a pace for which I guess India needs a have a separate Population Control policy. Rahul since his college days had been inspired by moving objects. So he has keep changing his girl friends with varying degree of intimacy with them.

Here comes our last character Amit, a MA( English) student who has been in this stream on his failure to clear IIT-JEE exam & his unexplainable stubborn attitude of not joining any other good college despite clearing AIEEE by decent scores. He even dropped 1 year for IIT but just to raze one precious year in sands of past & no outcome.He has a girlfriend who loves him immensely & even he reciprocates with same dedication. A long 10 year relation, it has been benchmark for others with title of best couple conferred upon them time and again . But though the wall may look smooth, there may be cracks deep inside. Their intimacy level cant be discussed as it was a pious relationship.

Thats all for now, Will get back shortly to tell you the changes in these 4 lives. Enjoy



  1. Other than the 3rd character, all names seem to be chosen from the 3rd batch at CoE :-)

  2. Told u in the starting.. All are fictitious..:-)

  3. Kab marega dobara.... am waiting for this shit to continue... lollz...

  4. Just busy these days , u know on a/c of classes.. will come back soon surely... Even ur inputs are welcomed...
