Saturday 4 June 2011


                                                            A MIDNIGHT CRASH

When I roll over the dictionary to explore the new dimensions for word BAD, I come across these:

“abominable, amiss, atrocious, awful, , beastly, blah, bottom out, bummer, cheap, cheesy, crappy, cruddy, crummy, deficient, diddly, dissatisfactory, downer, dreadful, erroneous, fallacious, faulty, garbage, god-awful, gross, grungy, icky, imperfect, ,inferior, junky, lousy, not good, off, poor, raunchy, rough, sad, skuzzy, sleazeball, sleazy, slipshod, stinking, substandard, synthetic, the pits, unacceptable, unsatisfactory

But then what about these words:

“ Pathetic, heartbreaking, heartrending, miserable, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, poor, rueful, sorry, wretched
Why have they got their berth in the English dictionary. They say nothing is without a purpose. Lets see if we 
can utilize these noble words in the due course of time.

The story is of 6  friends who were around each other since then when they  didn’t even know the meaning of friendship. Believe me some it comes to 15 or 17 years, quite illustrious time even to think in 23 year life. The best and the most strange thing about the group was the absence of  a girl in the entire group. I guess that’s the reason for its so long and successful journey. But that’s my personal opinion , no personal biasness against my opposite gender. The group actually consisted of 9 AADIS( friends), with perfect example of unity in diversity . Not everyday you come across a group consisting of Chartered Accountants, IIM Graduates, MCA, Engineers, Police, But one thing in common , they all started their journey in same school some 17 years back.

The 6 friends met in the evening with an intent to celebrate the birthday of a AADI, though it’s a separate thing that same bday had passed some two weeks back. But the party must go on. 2 friends were missing the town and 1 as usual was in a self concreted dilemma, so  reversing the digit 9, 6 were left.  The plan was for a dinner followed by a late night movie. I think 11.45 in the night is sufficient to qualify the movie for late night category. In any case , first day last show has charm of its own.

This time there was some more change, cars paved their way for bikes. So City and Swift sacrificed for Pulsars and Stunner to roll on city roads. The six left with the same tradition of without deciding where to go. I find this strange sometimes, but then it has got its own flavor of standing in the mid of crowded street and discussing “ ABE JANA KAHA HAI”( where to go). The last party was at a sophisticated restaurant but this time there was a twist in the story. The AADIS went to a place where even the fumes of sophistication were missing. They sipped some drinks and relished some snacks before making a exit.

There was another round of discussion on the offering  about where to go to fill the half empty bellies . After a referendum, a PUNJABI DHABA in sector 46 was elected with even the smell of little bit  of sophistication getting wiped out. Shortly the six found themselves below a tent sitting around a table and one the AADI saying in Punjabi “Chetti salad laade vai”( Bring the salad fast). Here there is no wastage of paper on menu cards with the waiter named  SANDEEP  sprinting the name of dishes like USAN BOLT . So the order was placed for a Masala Chicken, Dal Makhani and Paneer plus they say “roti laa di yaar cheti” ( means bring the Chapattis fast). The dinner was over by quarter to 11 with a bill of Rs. 450 on the table, strange it seems but then it’s the DHABA effect.

So against we started cruising towards our destination PVR CENTRA MALL till we found someone around the road corner in the late night. Don’t worry it was not a girl to increase the our heart beat but a ice cream Vendor. So the brakes of the bikes were given some pain and in a blink of time we were moving our tongues over 5 rupee orange candy. I love that and we called it CHUSAD here, though 2 of AADIS are the descendents of English people which prompted them to choose CORNETTO. Finally at quarter past 11 we were at a mall with two of  AADIS went to collect tickets as they were already booked and rest 4 were laying down on the nearby grass and talking about silly things like why this tree is tilted and making all the nonsense comments on the shape of that tree alongwith singing songs which were definitely  not so melodious. Soon we again started our march on escalators towards our screen. With some time still left , we decided to repay some time to nature by attending its nice little call. Sometimes you feel it’s the best feeling in the world with that tension getting eased off. Lets not go in depth and come back to our story . Then a futile discussion cropped up about DAS AUTOMOBILES which took the intervention of one of the AADI , a mechanical Engineer currently in Lucknow to end it. We entered the Screen and with a little controversy with another group we conquered on our seats.

The movie was Sallu’s READY which started with a bang. With introduction song , 25-30 youth thronged the area in front of screen dancing like a drunk mob. Even our Sub- Inpector ( I know its Inspector but it had got its story behind Inpector) was in mood but without much support , the fire within him got extinguished soon. But after sometime something hit us, something big, something which we were not able to handle for next two and half hours. It was nothing else but that movie only . Many people started leaving the theatre as early as in half hour with six of us looking at each other and saying “SAALO, KISKA IDEA THA YE MOVIE DEKHNE KA”( Who’s Idea was to watch this movie) . The IIM’s AADI was in most palpable condition that he would commit suicide anytime. But we are brave people, we never show our back, we watched the entire movie. Wasnt it something that we should be awarded at least NOBEL AWARD, I strongly think so.

 Now I can find the use of second set of words  I mentioned in the start. Those words are for these type of movies as word BAD cannot justify its really talent to harass someone.

We came out with everyone is a sense of shock saying “ Abe ye kya tha”( what was this). People say to cut short the hangover of drinking have some lemon water. But even that was not sufficient to cut short the hangover of this movie. The six opted for some hot tea to open up the pores of our blocked senses. We left for Govt Medical hospital, where else you expect to get some tea at 2.30 in the night. After literally gulping the tea , we again started last phase of our tour back to home.

The movie was pathetic, no doubt about it but it was memorable. But for that movie I wouldn’t have been writing this story. You feel the place, the movie doesn’t matter much , what matters is the company. Each moment you live is to be relished as if it wont come back again. Enjoy the every possible drop of life with your mates, your family. They say Diamond is forever, but what’s the use of it when I cant share my joys and sorrows with it. I am quite rich to got many real diamonds around me. I was a midnight crash, a memorable one. C YA PEOPLE SHORTLY. HAVE FUN.


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