Wednesday 4 May 2011

A 15 Minute Wait

                                                          A 15 Minute Wait      
When God created this world, he/she divided almost all the aspects into 2 spheres. Even I am not sure whether the respected God G is he or she, strange sometimes I find it. Someone is Good or bad, beautiful or ugly, tall or short. In fact most of these distinctions mushroomed due to our own mind sets. But the most natural & arousing distinction I find around is – A Boy or A Girl.

Being a boy, I stand on one side of the river bank with always an urge prevailing to meet that other side. Sometimes the attraction of the other side is so alluring that I am ready to take a dip in the intermittent water, howsoever deep it may be. But sometimes, I try like almost all of you to understand this creation of God. I have encountered many such occasions to make some concrete pronouncement about someone called GIRL but each time they come out with something which shakes my pre conceived notions.

It all started when I called my friend Priya at around 5 p.m in the evening. She was going to leave city tomorrow with no sings of our next meeting for years to come. So we decided to meet outside State library in sector 34 as she was nearby and the gol gappas of 34 can draw me from anywhere with those 7 variety of delicious water available there. But, but, but, for some time you can take out soul from the body but there is one thing in this world which I think even God cant dare to do. To separate two words- GIRL & SHOPPING. Priya was interested for some shopping in sector 22, Shashtri market, so the meeting location took a flight over there.

 That newly elected venue is not a place where I am much amused to go. It is one of the most  busiest place of Chandigarh with almost all variety of people thronging at one place and to add flavor, I was there at the scheduled time with my eyes searching for the familiar face of Priya. When they gave up, my left hand launch a hunt for my mobile and on finding it, a call was made to Priya. She explained that one of her acquaintance had met her in sector 34 outside library, the same place where I proposed to meet and it would take her 15 minutes to reach at me. So what next ,15 minutes, it doesn’t look much at first but a girl saying 15 minutes in the evening time with all the traffic pouring on the roads, I knew it was going to take a beating.

So I started roaming around with only one intention to pass my time. Just as I commenced my little journey, a person of about 23-24 age looking from a good family almost invaded upon me and said- “ Sir wallet pure leather”. I think even the word coercion would not justify for that type of selling.  I carried on my journey after saying a polite NO. After marching few feats, I saw Mehndi walas, few of them waiting for the lovely hands to be decorated beautifully. There was not much of the rush there but let me tell you with twilight getting pronounced you can find many more hands urging to be first. How I know all this doesn’t demand any special explanation.

Suddenly I realized that my hands were not that clean and again I launch a quest to find some water & to my surprise I found a hand pump. Believe me, finding a hand pump in sector 22 market was nothing less than discovering Harappa or Mohenjodaro. I washed my hands and gave a soft slap of water on my face. To find blessing in disguise, I was not carrying a handkerchief so as to enjoy the imprint of water on my face for a little longer. I decided to write about this little journey and sat under a tree. Even that’s was a time pass tact you can say. A person sat near me and was continuously looking at what I am writing. Sometimes even I cant recognize what I have written, so I was feeling a little sympathetic towards all the efforts he was putting in to read.

It was not anything extraordinary but small moments which confront us every day. I think the happiness of the life depends upon enjoying those small moments alongwith those big bashes that come your way. After all they say “ BOOND BOOND SE GHADA BHARTA HAI”.  Sometimes in the wait for that big moment, we forget to enjoy the delicacy of those little moments. Enjoy them to fullest.

Shortly I got a call from her to end my wait. Strange it seems but then I am writing about all this with title:” A 15 minute Wait”.

C u all soon


Sunday 1 May 2011

A lifeless Encounter

There is well known concept of GOD or luck or miracle or you can name it anything. I always had the curiosity to know how these words have first encountered with our civilization but lets see when I will have that luxury to encounter that mingled moment. There is something which is running this world as they say but then why I can find a river of sorrow flowing all around me. Not to say that I had never taken a dip in that river but the depth of river for some people is immense which cannot be measured by any of our so called scientific method.

It all started yesterday evening when I was doing some of my professional work. I have clarified that the work was professional as I can sense many of my friends raising their eyebrows by analyzing at a amalgamation of me, evening and some work. So the work which was entirely professional was undergoing till I got a phone call. I picked it up in the most casual way as the person on the other hand was my aadi ( Friend), so  there as was no need of any formal greeting. But he had something for me which was responsible for this encounter. He told me in a rush that one of our friend’s father had met with an accident and had been rushed to a hospital ( not knowingly which one it was)  and soon I found the call summary report on my mobile screen. I called Roy (name changed) to enquire about his father but he declined to answer my call. I tried again but again I ended with same result. Helpless to do anything, I gave my heart the elucidation that he must be busy. With some conflicts it accepted that reason for the time being and shortly I was back to complete my work.

Soon I was back to home. It was that part of the day where night can be seen winning the battle over the day with darkness getting pronounced. I went to market to meet some friends which is a sort of ritual for our group. There I met one of my friend who told that Roy’s father was very critical with 98 % probability that he would loose this battle of life. So we pondered on the thought of going to hospital about which we knew by now. But after doing detailed autopsy about the subject of going there, we dropped the idea as already there was a lot of rush in hospital.

I came back home in the night and had my dinner in the most silent manner which was quite unbecoming of me. I told my mother about all the incident and I found her in the same helpless position I was. It was Saturday night, so originally I had a plan to watch a movie on my computer late night. But I was not finding the disposition to put that plan in action. My mind was in a continuous battle which I knew was Impossible to win and inconceivable to loose. One of the extract of my thought process is” don’t have the mood to watch movie, my restless mind is not allowing me to sleep,, what the hell on this earth I am doing .  I was finding myself the most helpless creature on this earth till the moment a thought of Roy came to my mind and of so many other people facing stiff challenges like Roy. So I decided to surrender that most painful title. But what now, which end to go,, what to do…”

Usually I don’t find myself in this status quo but then sometimes you have to taste these tasteless experiences. So a never ending battle was on and there was only one thing which could have given a break in this battle. I found the battle of old times more privileged than of our times. At least it was over with Sun god saying Good bye. But battle these days become most ferocious with night turning on. I want to express my gratitude to that super natural power for giving the endowment of sleep. So I capitalized on that grant of God and battle was over,, at least for the day.

I woke up late today with something romantic about the meteorological conditions outside. I called Roy again but his phone was not approachable. Again I met with the same evening friend and he told me that Roy has caught some fever due to which he had gone to home to have some rest. He was scheduled to be back by afternoon, so we planned a visit to hospital contemporaneously.   
We reached the hospital by 2.15 p.m and parked our car. Soon our feet started marching towards Block C- Level 2 where Roy’s father was admitted. On reaching there we called him and he told he would be there shortly as he had gone to collect some reports.  Before long he was there and I can sense by the swelling of his eyes, the uncombed hair and the other minute details that he had spent a sleepless night dipped in ocean of tears. To add to the bad things going around,, he told the doctors had said only a miracle can do it now. They were helpless as we were. What the fuck is this- the first expression that comes out. You say about science making all the wonderful advancements and then you come up with this thing that someone called miracle can only help us. They are saying that if the patient can survive for 72 hours, then their can be a chance, mind u then only there can be a chance. In a condition where each second takes it own luxury to pass on, you are talking about 72 hours that makes it to 259200 seconds. No one can do anything, neither I nor Roy nor those so called experts in the field of medicine.

So I came back home after some time with giving the best what I can give, some courage and letting him know that we are here for any work. But what NOW, I cant do anything, so I thought to vent out my frustration through these words. Whoever you are, whatever you do, there are times when you feel that the sand is slipping out of the palm of your hands and you cant do anything.

 It was an encounter, the most lifeless of the lot.